Daucus carota L.
Brand: Seklos
Packaged:1,0 g
Ex Tax: 1.10€
Carrot "Charisma" F1.
Medium-late hybrid of "Chantenay" type, suitable for both standard and high density production. Triangular shaped root with blunt tip. Standard production gives roots typically 15 cm in length. High resistance to bolting.
1 gram = 800-1000 seeds.

* One of the reliable ways to "save" carrots, beets and other root crops is to store them in sphagnum moss.
Root crops are placed in boxes in layers, shifting with moss so that they do not touch each other. Sphagnum moss has a whole range of unique properties.
First of all, hygroscopicity: it can retain moisture 100 times its dry weight, which ensures reliable moisture and air exchange.
Due to the high content of iodine, moss is an excellent bactericidal and disinfectant, and its ability to accumulate carbon dioxide gives a good preservative effect.
Green carpets of sphagnum moss occupy vast spaces, it grows in the shade, under the canopy of fir trees, where it is humid. It has no roots, and each stem is crowned with a rosette, framed by delicate leaves.
Moss is highly renewable. Each year after harvest, a new layer grows - better and cleaner in quality than the previous year.
Moss is harvested in July - early August and dried quickly. Dried bunches become whitish-gray.

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